Assassin Max Stats Rotmg

Gaining Wealth

To gain wealth, people generally have two courses of action:

The biggest hurdle to gaining wealth extremely quickly is to get your first maxed character.
You max a character by feeding it stat potions. Usually Def, Spe, Wis (only if you use skill frequently), Dex, Att are most important. Vit is good if you plan to solo.
One way to max the character, is to create an alternate account which farms, and stores pots for your main account to drink. This way, you don't die on an account that is partially maxed.
Different classes have different ease of maxing, and farming potential. Healers are the easiest to max because they have relatively low stats, don't need vit, and easier to keep alive. Mages, however, are difficult to max because they have the highest max stats (which also makes them potentially deadly).
Healer: survives, can solo most dungeons for automatic pot. Low damage output against gods but can last for a long time in godland
Mage: High damage output. Can get sb easiest. Requires some skill to keep alive
Archer/Huntress: decent defense/damage output. arrows can pierce, and it's easier to hit things because of triple fire. Solid farmer
Sorcerer: very hard to keep alive. skill makes getting sb damage upon an enemy quite easy. Can handle crowds well.
Necro: similar to Mage, except that they can heal making them a popular choice for godland farming.
Trickster/rouge: High amount of skill to use. Rouges can often solo most dungeons. Tricksters fun to play.
Assassin: Great for getting sb damage on bosses. Limitation in range makes it tricky to use in godland.
Knight/Pally/Warrior: Has high defense and damage output. Great in groups which can heal you, but range limitation makes it tricky to kill gods, or get sb.
Godland Pot farming:
Farming in godland can give you dungeons, more farming gear, and stat potions. The key to farming here is to figure out how to kill each enemy, and recognize the way each attacks.
Medusa: the most dangerous in a group of other gods, but easy alone. Watch out for red bombs! Common strategy is to circle them, or drag them if you have a weapon with high range.drops speed pot/abysses.
Sprite God: High damage output, and a nasty quiet effect. Some classes can circle these, while others can swerve back and forth until it dies. Drops speed/sprite world
Ent God: Low hp/damage, but can be tricky to dodge. Sword classes can usually tank the damage and kill it fast. range classes can move between the spaces in the blast. Also, these gods fire in accord to prediction. You can 'fake' them out by moving left and right. Drops def
Slime God: Has a nasty slow effect. Has low hp, and moderate damage output. Strategy is similar to the ents. Drops def
Ghost God: Very high damage output, low range, and moderate hp. Sword classes have trouble with these, but range classes can easily kill them/avoid the damage. Drops speed pot/udls
Flying Brain/Beholder: Easy to dodge. Beholder has a annoying blind effect. Drops def
Dungeons are a great way to get pots. They all guarantee a pot drop for your group, as well as giving you a shot at untiereds, incantations, and rare items.
Abyss: very difficult, unless in a large group. Lava everywhere, and very fast minions which high damage. To beat this you either need good healing, high damage output, or epic dodging skills. Boss drops vit/demon blades/t10's/t5 abilities
Udl: moderately difficult. Beware of slime rooms, Ghosts, vampires, traps, and constructs. Once you've done a certain amount, you will get the hang of it. Boss drops wis/doom bows/t5 abilities
Sprite world: by far, the easiest if you understand how to do it. Getting to the boss doesn't even require killing minions. The boss has a predictable pattern, which you can exploit. drops dex/planewalker/Extreme Prejudice/t5 abilities
Snake Pits: Relatively easy. Boss can be tricky if you do not have a healer. Drops speedpot/bulwark
Ancient Tomes: The most difficult/time consuming, but drops the coveted life pots. Listen to other players when doing this: kill 3 bosses in order: blue, yellow green. Don't attempt alone.
SB farming:
One of your best chances of getting great expensive gear is doing Oryx. Assassins and mages are the best at getting sb from these. Oryx can drop exa rings, and t11's if you deal about 3k damage. Oryx has a predictable pattern, but the strategies can vary from classes. One major decision might be: in the circle or out the circle. Choose 'in the circle' If you have relatively low lag, can do more damage despite being weakened, and don't need mp to do major damage.
One of the most profitable ways to farm is to do Event gods (penta's, cube gods, skull shrines). Rouges can often solo these by cloaking in and dealing damage. They drop t11's/exa rings, and other goodies. However, this is perhaps the best way to farm if you are maxed, and have a lot of experience fighting them. Otherwise, do these in groups, and be careful.
  1. Rotmg Assassin Max Stats
  2. Archer Rotmg Max Stats

11-96 Assassin 97-100 Sorcerer 101 Assassin 102-200 Sorcerer I'm a huge fan of min/maxing, but these kinds of builds just seem crazy to me. I guess the goal is to end up with the exact same strength and magick attack? It would make more sense to do 10-100 Assassin and 100-200 Sorcerer just because Assassin gains more total stats. Posted by Realm of the Mad God October 29, 2020 October 29, 2020 Events Tags: event, necromancer, St, wine cellar, wizard. Ah, the Necromancer. A mage who steals the life of his enemies to benefit his own, both a fighter and a healer, and beloved by many. On this page, you will find out the optimal stat priority for your Assassination Rogue. We first present the stat priority, before delving into more complex explanations. Our content is updated for World of Warcraft — Shadowlands 9.0.2. If you were looking for WoW Classic content, please refer to our Classic DPS Rogue stat priority.

Now that we are familiar with Gear Multipliers and Full Set Gear Bonuses in Game of War, we are going to put the full picture together. There are currently 7 gear sets in game, with the Chief Inquisitors set being the Newest. (Btw, the Inquisitors set brings a huge amount of research speed savings! Check out its stats below!) Those 7 gear sets currently in game are:

The following is intended only as a guide to get you started. Stats displayed are Str/Dex/Int/End. AIEW, All Intelligence Elf Wizard (3/15/25/5) The highest base intelligence possible and a staple of Realm’s past, present and future. Enchanting gear is a large part of Realm and AIEW does it the best.

Assassin Max Stats Rotmg
  1. Sentinel’s Set Gear
  2. Vindicator’s Set Gear
  3. Arbiter’s Set Gear
  4. Assassin’s Set Gear
  5. BeastMaster’s Set Gear
  6. Chief Inquisitors Set Gear
  7. Hunter’s Set Gear

Max Gear Set Charts

Each Gear Chart below lists the original gear stats on the lower version, and max Gear Multipliers and Set Bonuses on the upper version.


Notice the massive spread of stats for identical gear.. just comparing before and after stats. (Before on bottom, After on top). Frequently stats are over 400% in difference.

Cost and Stronghold Requirements Charts for Multipliers and Full Set Gear Bonuses are coming out soon!

Chart of Maxed Assassin’s Set Gear

Chart of Maxed BeastMaster’s Set Gear

Chart of Maxed Sentinel’s Set Gear

Rotmg Assassin Max Stats

Chart of Maxed Arbiter’s Set Gear

Assassin Max Stats RotmgMax

Chart of Maxed Hunter’s Set Gear

Rotmg max stats

Chart of Maxed Chief Inquisitor’s Set Gear

Chart of Maxed Vindicator’s Set Gear

Back to that Original Initial Post about Stats when taking Rallies & Burning

Back to my original post…Dragon Realm Post – Where do Most Stats Come From Reflect back to my original stats…compare my stats below to the MASSIVE increases above. Even just 1/3rd of those stats will transform the outcome of taking rallies again. And add a few more troops, I’ll be back to capping again.

Archer Rotmg Max Stats

Taking rallies without upgraded gear was 90% responsible for my account burning. (And YES, that is what I was wanting and waiting to test 🙂

Original Rally Taking Stats:

More To Come!!!

Next Post: Best Gear: How to chose between keeping the set vs breaking It.

New:FREE General Public Call Session Answering any questions over gear multipliers, and Gear Full Set Bonuses. (will be announced shortly)

New:Member’s Call Session , Craft Talk, looking at more refined details and talk of what gear is best, Account specific gear Q&A, and Account specific Set Gear Bonuses Q&A. (will be announced shortly)